casaGeoTSP (route planning)

Route Planning

The extension casaGeoTSP (Travelling Salesman Problem) finds the best route to connect different sites. To ensure good and quick planning, the casaGeo tool links Alteryx with the HERE platform, the worlds leading platform for mapping and navigation applications.

casaGeoTSP has now been integrated into casaGeoSpatial. For more details, see Pricing and Plans.



casaGeoTSP (TSP for travelling Salesman Problem) allows fast route planning in Alteryx Designer. The extension consists of three tools:

  • casaGeoTSPInput
  • casaGeoTSP
  • casaGeoDateTime (optional, further information: Spatial Analytics)




The Input tool transmits the data. Further configuration options:

Input data

  • sequence_id: Sites that should be in one tour need to have the same sequence ID.
  • description: Location ID. The ID needs to be unique, even if starting and aiming point are identical.
  • Longitude
  • Latitude

Last row is the end point of the sequence

The first record is automatically chosen as starting point. If you select this option, the last record is chosen as aiming point. If starting and aiming point should be the same, the starting point must be attached as last record and get a new description ID.

Improve for

  • time
  • distance

Stretch of way

  • shortest
  • fastest

Modes of transport

  • car
  • truck
  • public transport
  • pedestrian

Mode of rest

  • non
  • default


  • traffic enabled
  • traffic disabled


Routenplanung für fünf Standorte. Stop 0 (Startpunkt) und Stop 5 (Endpunkt) sind identisch.

The tool casaGeoTSP delivers the following information:


  • sequence_id
  • section
  • waypoint_from (Location ID of starting point of this section)
  • waypoint_to (Location ID of aiming point of this section)
  • distance (meter)
  • time (minutes)
  • estimated departure (only if casaGeoDateTime is utilised)
  • estimated arrival (only if casaGeoDateTime is utilised)
  • execution timestamp

OUTPUT M (stops)

  • sequence_id
  • stop
  • waypoint
  • longitude
  • latitude
  • estimated departure (only if casaGeoDateTime is utilised)
  • estimated arrival (only if casaGeoDateTime is utilised)
  • execution timestamp


  • sequence_id
  • total travel time


This output can directly be processed with casaGeoRoutes to map the routes.

  • sequence_id
  • stop_from
  • waypoint_from
  • longitude_from
  • latitude_from
  • stop_to
  • waypoint_to
  • longitude_to
  • latitude_to